Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Never Say Never"

If I had a nickel for every time I said that I would "never" do something, and then did it, I wouldn't be writing this blog right now. I'd be paying someone to write it for me.

 I said that I would NEVER lace up my boots for less than $25 an hour (yes, I thought I was that good.) I now live on a faith based income and God has provided all my needs.
 I said that I would NEVER drive a mini-van. That is now the main mode of transportation for my family. That sweet ride has DVD, power everything, an auxiliary plug for our phones and music devices, a sunroof and leather seats. Many a time I've had all the windows down blasting some guitar music too loud for someone my age to do. You see that sweet ride in the picture? I got one.
  I said I would NEVER be that dad that showed up at school 30 minutes early, just so I could be first in line to get the boys. That's right. I beat out all the soccer moms and grandmas and the first thing all those kids see when they pile out the door is Braxton and Greyson's dad sitting there in all of my camouflage wearing, whiskered up glory. My boys aren't something that I have to do during the day, they are what I do during the day. 
I said I would NEVER raise my hands in church, or pray out loud in front of other people. Now I feel like that is the only way to truly worship. For years a wall of pride stood between me and a happy, healthy and personal relationship with God. All the people that I was trying to impress or not impress or fit in with etc. aren't going to get me in heaven or keep me out of hell. That's between me and God.
So all this talk of me saying "never" and then eating my words had me thinking about what the Word of God says on the subject. If God says He is never going to do something then well, you can take that to the bank. In all the thousands of years since Creation, he has never backslid, been wrong, or let anyone down. Why would He ruin His stellar reputation now?

According to one search, the word "never" appears in 83 verses in 71 chapters of the Bible. The two that stand out the most to me are on both ends of the spectrum. Deuteronomy 31:8 says " It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will NEVER leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." What an amazing statement. If God says it, He means it. That's just what He does. On the other hand, if we choose to reject His love and do not do the will of the Father, Jesus Himself says in Matthew 7:23 "But I will reply, 'I NEVER knew you. Get away from me, you who break God's laws.'"

The word "never" is an absolute word. There's no way that we as humans can use it and know absolutely that we will never do something. The Bible is also a book of absolutes. It's the most absolute thing that we have in this world, having stood the test of time for thousands of years. We should never say never, but God can!