Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Trying to stay in God's Will. That is the goal for today. It is much easier said than done. My job title these days is "stay-at-home-dad-elderly caregiver-landscaper" and I proclaim my title with pride. I threw "landscaper" in there because yes, I cut my own yard.  I am tasked with the daily lives of my  two young boys ages 1 and 2 (or 19 months and 32 months respectively if you want to count it that way) and my 76 year old mother (912 months) who also happens to have Dementia and Parkinson's. To put it simply, none of them can be left by themselves to do anything or it will result in an injury, a mess, or both.

I haven't always been proud of my job. Having been in this position for almost 4 months now, it has been a roller coaster of laughter, tears, frustration and exhaustion. I have an extensive background doing big manly things. I was a light infantryman, Firefighter/EMT, petrochemical operator, engineer on a towboat. I helped out on the Coast and in New Orleans after Katrina. I've jumped out of planes, killed lots of animals and ate them, spent the night tied to the side of a mountain, and I've ridden out 3 tornadoes.

Here lately I have been trying to use some the skills that I learned from my past jobs and apply them to my new job. Examples:

Old Application: Being a firefighter required fast hand-eye coordination.
New Application: I can change a diaper in about 7 seconds flat. (That's poo poo and all, son, and I openly challenge any stay at home mom to a duel.)
Old Application: Prison Guard at GITMO.
New Application: If they don't tell me something that I want to know, I will withhold something valuable to them. I haven't ruled out water-boarding. (our "water board" is a slide behind our house that we put dish soap and water on and travel fast down a big grassy hill so there's no need to get uptight. I will withhold that from them though if necessary.)
Old Application: Katrina Clean-Up
New Application: Almost everything that I encountered in post-Katrina New Orleans, I have encountered on a smaller level in my house. ON A DAILY BASIS. Open sewage, leaks, angry and confused people, insects, fires, different piles of clutter laying about and I have no idea who's it is. And the smell... Dear God the smell.

Would I trade any of this for something better? ABSOLUTELY NOT. God has given me an awesome wife (who has a college education and a government job) who has stood by me through a ton of stuff and who is standing by me through this. God continues to bless us financially, never failing and always providing. I was called to full-time ministry last October and little did I know that taking care of my mom and kids would be my first mission. Luke 16:10 says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." Amen.

 I know that God has big plans for my family and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I literally have no idea what tomorrow might bring, nor do I want to know. I have a Faith that cannot be shaken and that's what I lean on.