This year my family has decided to opt-out of the main stream Halloween festivities. We attended a Fall Festival at our church last night. It had the traditional theme with costumes, candy, etc., but in a more organized environment that includes games and Christian music. Our youth group ran the concession stand as a fund-raiser, and there was also a cake walk. One of Mom's sitters has two children, and they came with us and both won cakes!
As many of you read in a previous blog, my sons are obsessed with The Wiggles. We listen to them in the van, they are all over the DVR, and they often wake up in the middle of the night requesting them. So it was only natural for us to dress up as the "Fantabulous Four" for the Fall Fest. It was a hit.
October 31st will forever have a special place in my heart, and for several reasons. On this day one year ago a great man went to be with the Lord. My father, Martin, lost a long fight with heart problems. It is only fitting that he went like that, for he had one of the biggest hearts of any man I know. That man went through A LOT: physically, spiritually, emotionally. He adopted and raised three children out of love, held several careers and gave the Air Force 33 years of service. He was married to my mom for 45 years and was always an amazing provider, doing whatever was necessary for his family. His presence is missed by all who knew him, especially me. I miss you, Daddy.
And on this day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints Church in Germany, ultimately leading to the Protestant Revolution. His act of standing up to the Catholic Church sparked changes that resonate throughout the world to this day. He recaptured the biblical view of the priesthood of all believers, showing all people that their work had purpose and dignity because in it they can serve their Creator. Amen M.L.
I hope everyone is safe tonight. We have some pretty major storms moving through the South with threats of wind, rain and hail. If I were a betting man, I'd put money on the caravans of mini-vans and ATV's that will still be roaming the suburbs, knocking on doors and legally pan-handling, being more diligent than the Postal Service while making their rounds. Godspeed.